Quantum Optics INRIM
Marco Genovese
Research Director
Director of the Quantum Optics research sector of INRIM
+39 011 3919 253
Research director in INRIM, leading Quantum Optics Sector (that he cofounded)
-Born 1967
-Degree 90
-Specialisation school 91
-PhD 91-94
-CERN 94-95,Lyon Univ 95-96,Grenoble Univ.96-98,IEN/INRIM 98-
2014 – 2023 Member of Scientific Council of INRIM.
Member of Academy of Science of Turin
His works concern development of quantum technologies in quantum optics, in particular having given significant contributions to the birth of experimental quantum metrology-imaging&sensing (most recent: sub shot noise imaging, quantum illumination, quantum enhanced correlation interferometry, characterisation of detectors POVM, weak and protective measurements,quantum reading…)