Quantum Optics INRIM
Ivo Pietro Degiovanni is Senior Researcher (“Primo Ricercatore”) at Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM). He has developed his scientific competences in the fields of Quantum Metrology, Quantum Information and Quantum Optics. Indeed, besides his extensive work on metrology at single-photon level, he has also worked on quantum cryptography and quantum communication, in the context of European Italian, NATO projects.
He also has worked on several quantum optical technologies ranging from quantum-enhanced measurement, to quantum imaging and colour-center-based quantum sensors. Ha also has interest in foundation of quantum physics and “quantumness” quantifiers.
He is the Chairman of the EURAMET European Metrology Network for Quantum Technologies (EMN-Q), and he has also served as a member of the Strategic Research Agenda Working Group (SRA-WG) of the EU Quantum Flagship. He is also an Associate Editor of the European Physical Journal D (EPJ D), and he is Member of the Editorial Board of Entropy.
He has been Lecturer of the course “Quantum Communication” at University of Torino (Torino Graduate School in Physics and Astrophysics) since 2014.
He is eligible as University Full Professor (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2018-2020).